Wednesday 1 May 2013


Questions from a silent supporter who is an extremely patriotic Pakistani,please read this and think about the questions that are being raised.Please "THINK":

Being brought up in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, all during the course of my education
“Islamic Studies” had been a mandatory subject. We studied about Masjid-e-Nabvi (S.A.W.W).
Our Prophet (S.A.W.W) purchased the land on which the mosque was to be built despite the fact
that the owner of the land was ready to give it for  free. The reason behind this action and every
other action of our Prophet (S.A.W.W) has always been to impart a lesson to his (S.A.W.W)’s
followers. Our Prophet (S.A.W.W) didn’t want to do injustice by taking the land for free. On
the contrary “Lal Masjid” alongside “Jamia Hafsa” was built on a land that was state owned.
My first question is “Does the illegal grabbing of land for building a mosque is an Islamic way
to do things”? Moving forward Islam says that defying the authority of the ruler of the state is
an unjust action and the state’s army can take action against them. Moreover even if the ruler is
wrong, the army will have to obey his orders. So the labeling of Pak Armed Forces as Kufaar and
destroying military installations, attacking their families, their mosques, their houses etc., was it
justified as it was ordered and done by the Lal Masjid Brigade?

 Now, moving towards the more crucial matters, that happened in the Lal Masjid episode.
“Maulana Abdul Aziz” calls for a war against the not very Islamic state of Pakistan and taking
up the charge of the state machinery as they wanted to establish a true Islamic state. Just
diverting the attention of my readers for a while, there are seven great sins or Gunnah-e-Kabeera
in Islam namely i) Shirk ii) Disrespecting your parents iii) Killing someone iv) Adultery v)
Running away from the battlefield (In our case Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa) vi) False allegations
against someone vii) Practicing magic. So someone who declares a war himself and then
runs away in a “Burqa”, isn’t he commiting a Gunnah-e-Kabeera? Can he be an Imam Masjid? Is
he Sadiq or Ameen? Also the Holy Quran says that for the believers to understand that the day
of judgement is near, they will notice a few things of which one is “men will dress like women
and women like men”. So “Imam Masjid” in “Burqa” indeed a”Qiyamat ki Nishaani”. Moreover
Umm-e-Hisaan alongside other Jamia Hafsa students sweared on the Holy Quran that she
herself, buried 106 female students of Jamia Hafsa. Now as the report reveals and as many of us
already knew that none of the female students were killed and it was a big lie and nothing else, so
should we believe the words of these Psychotics that they were innocent and the military action
was unjust? Should the Cheap Justice let go off people who commited Gunnah-e-Kabeera’s and
lied after swearing on the Holy Quran?

Pakistan First!