Friday 28 June 2013


The Court cases against Gen Musharraf are not only a trial for him,

they are also a tribulation for many segments of Pakistan’s society,

including its Judiciary by itself, its government & indirectly, its

Military, also.

Hencesofar, the Judiciary has appeared to be miserably biased against

Gen Musharraf eg in how many cases of a bail able offence is bail not

granted, that also to a person who has voluntarily surrendered to the

courts, having voluntarily migrated from a place which is outside the

territorial jurisdiction of these courts & that also, to a person, who

has been, the President? That its popular thought among the people

of Pakistan that the courts harbour vendetta against Gen Musharraf,

should not these courts desist from being pro-active & not play the

role of prosecution in addition to adjucation? Unfortunately, till so

far, the scenario has appeared to be, otherwise.

No institution of Pakistan, is a holy cow & all of them have skeletons

up their sleeves. The Judiciary of Pakistan (including many of the

judges who are presently poised to conduct trials of Gen Musharraf & also its

Top Judge) has a tainted history of sanctifying extra-

constitutional measures. Therefore, in all fairness, should these

judges also not be tried alongside Gen Musharraf, at least for the

same charge ie treason (ie its abetment) instead of themselves sitting

over judgment, on him? Secondly, could it be that the profound

judicial activism of the judiciary has become so intoxicating that

judiciary it has come to be afflicted with euphoria? Has this euphoria

not compromised the judiciary’s ability to judge their own selves &

has it not developed an amnesia in them, for the military bear hug?

The Military's threshold to not uphold the constitution may have

increased. However, too much reliance cannot be placed on its

patience to see its former Chief, disgraced, humiliated & meted out

apparently biased justice by the legal community ie both Judges &

Lawyers. Should this provocation carry on too far, one should not be

surprised to see another Military coup center stage Pakistan &

another enterprising military officer taking it upon himself to teach

some Law to this community, followed by the Courts again

sanctifying such a coup, which they have invariably done, each time

in Pakistan's chequered history of military take overs, barring just one

exception ie the case of Gen Musharraf. 

That Gen Musharraf was not alone in his alleged doings, court

proceedings are likely to open a Pandora’s box of unenviable & even

disastrous ramifications, which may even hold the upcoming

elections, hostage, whereas to the contrary, the need of the hour, is

to forge ahead. Pakistan, at this stage can ill afford a cat & mouse

chase between usurper and adjucator or usurper abettors turned

adjucators or even worse, future usurpers.

Of the two murder cases against Gen Musharraf, there is no steam in

any one of them & therefore they shall probably remain

inconsequential. However, if in the Judges confinement case, the

defence team brings forth reason as to why they were confined, the

Judiciary’s status would become that of “a party to the case”. In

principles of natural justice, the same would also be raison’d etre for

the Judiciary to not adjucate on the case. 

Therefore the panacea lies in constitution of a "Truth &

Reconciliation" forum, in lieu of court proceedings. If the great

Mandela could do it for the brutal practitioners of longstanding

Apartheid & if the legal cases against both BB & Nawaz Sharif, were

quashed under the amnesty (known as the NRO), paving the way for

return of this duo, from abroad then why not for Gen Musharraf...or

better said, even more so for Gen Musharraf, firstly because in

contrast to the duo, he has voluntarily returned from abroad, resolute

to face the legal cases, against himself. Secondly, for the reason that

it was he who granted that amnesty to the duo & thirdly in context of

comparison of deliverance of services to the people of Pakistan, Gen

Musharraf's performance, was much better than that of the duo,


In many disputes there ultimately comes an impasse, when the

importance of resolution of that dispute supersedes the importance

of who was right & who was wrong. Dispute resolution is the forte of

a statesman & not a judge but unfortunately, Pakistan’s euphoric

udges appear to be deluded into seeing themselves as statesmen.

The statesman Mandela's stitch in time ie his amnesty, saved more

than nine. Consequently his country has progressed by leaps and

bounds, ever since. Therefore, this is also the recommended solution

of Pakistan’s present impasse. 

The Attorney General has very wisely stated in the Supreme Court

today that the caretaker government shall not be prosecuting Gen

Musharraf for treason, on the grounds that its manadate, is limited to

holding free & fair elections. However, the caretaker government, on

account of this very mandate, also has the writ to take

bold initiatives towards its realization.

On the other hand, for reasons already cited, the present judiciary’s

writ to conduct trials of General Musharraf appears to be

questionable. That it has already debarred Gen Musharraf from

participating in the upcoming elections, merely on the basis of

presumed guilt, (pending appeal to the Supreme Court), it is

imperative for the caretaker government to grant an amnesty to him

and that also, promptly. Only this stitch in time will save nine. This

should preferably be a blanket amnesty but even if partial, he should

at least be immediately granted interim relief to participate in the

elections. Failing to do so, would be amount to, the caretaker

government falling short on its mandate, denial to Gen Musharraf of

his fundamental right & a deprivation, for the people of Pakistan.

Of the two most internationally recognized people of Pakistan, one is

Maulana Abdussattar Edhi & the other one is Gen Musharraf. Pity the

nation, which cannot manage to appreciate, its heroes.

That prudence should prevail & that the system should not derail, it is

now the call of the caretaker government of Pakistan to exhibit

statesmanship. Likewise, it’s the call of reputedly, a maestro of

reconciliation President Mr Zardari (also as a quid pro quo because

his incumbency as president is also courtesy, a similar amnesty

granted by Gen Musharraf, then the President). It’s also the call of

statesmen in countries, friendly to Pakistan.

          Written By:
         Written In: April 2013. 

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