Tuesday 23 April 2013


1. They claim that Pervez Musharraf killed Nawab Bugti: 
Bugti was a person who was creating something like the "Banana Republic". He had displaced the original and respectable Baluch Families,he was cruel to the Baluchi people and did not provide them with the comfort and services that they deserve.Remember you don't serve the government,the government is there to serve you.I think if we can get this concept ingrained in our head we will learn to make better judgements.Let us not forget four army officers went inside the cave where Nawab Bugti was,they went there to talk things out and when officers go in they are unarmed.Bugti either shot a Rocket launcher at them or actually had a bomb planted within the cave.He died of his own medicine,taking away four army officers along with him.During Pervez Musharraf's era Baluchistan actually prospered the most,there are tons of checks and balances to prove this. The only Baluchis that speak against him are those that have been bought off and are failed political figures that never really won a seat in the elections. Those people are brought to attention by some of our media channels that have been bought off by the corrupt elites within and external powers that are outside,working against Pakistan.One channel in particular is Geo Tv,there is absolutely no doubt that they work against the progress of Pakistan. 

Here is Nawab Bugti's own confession of killing 35 SSG comandos,hear it for yourself:

2.They Sympathise With Those In The LAL Masjid:

Lal Masjid is not even a case. It wasn't even a mosque it had 

become a ground for 

terrorists. Mosques don't have weaponry inside,mosques do 

not consist of 13 to 17 

year old pregnant girls,who weren't pregnant when they had 

initially gone to this 

secret terrorist organisation. People inside mosques do not 

open fire on our 

army,which the people inside the Lal Masjid did and people 

should not be 

sympathising with hypocritical maulanas that try to escape 

wearing a 

burkha.Calling them a Maulana is an insult to the word itself 

because Maulana in 

english is described as someone who has knowledge over 

many different subjects 

and matters.Mosques do not have brain washing CDs 

inside,shall I go on?!Only 

fools would defend Lal Masjid,this type of thinking without 

any logic is the reason 

why Pakistan is so backwards and going in to a direction of 


conservatism,extremism and disaster. The army was still 

cooperative and was 

asking those hypocrites to leave peacefully but those fools 

opened fire.It is 

shameful to support such people and it is an insult to those 

parents who sent their 

children to actually learn something pure about our Deen but 

rather were used as 

brain washed fighters that were converted in to terrorists.No 

woman was actually 

harmed in the operation except for the Qazi's mother who 

died because she 

refused to get out of the mosque.The militants coming out of 

the Lal Masjid were 

wearing gas masks,if you have any knowledge then you 

would know that wearing a 

gas mask and surviving the tear gas takes a lot of training.A 

soldier is trained for 

about 6 months before he can function properly while 

wearing a gas mask.An army 

personel lost his life by being assassinated.A sniper shot him 

and the distance from 

which the sniper fired from the Lal Masjid was 300 feet.If 

you have any common 

sense you would realize that these people within that so 

called mosque were highly 

trained terrorists.They distorted the words of our peaceful 

and beautiful 

religion,which teaches moderation and love.The corruption 

in Lal Masjid was 

disgusting and those supporting such nonsense are only 

supporting the wrong 

cause! In LAL Masjid no woman actually even died except for 

the Maulana's mother 

who refused to get out. So once again know your facts. And 

since you're defending 

LAL Masjid so much,then look in to the story of Masjid Zarar 

that was ordered to be 

demolished by the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) because the 

people within were not 

peaceful and were Munafiqs just like the ones in LAL Masjid. 

Allah (swt) ordered in 

the Quran to destroy (demolish) Masjid-e-Zarar in Madina. 

This mosque was built 

by the hypocrites (Munafeqeen) the enemies of 

Muslims.Please know your facts.

3.The opposition claims that Pervez Musharraf gave away many bases to the United States for the drone attacks: 
This is one of the biggest misconceptions! Let's bring this situation to light,9/11 took place and naturally "The War On Terror" was a major thing at this point.The United States had requested Pakistan to give them some space within the country so that they could go and handle Al-Qaeda. Now a base was certainly given to take actions but did we sell our land to them?! Absolutely not. Also I clearly remember how Pervez Musharraf called leaders of all parties that were present within Pakistan at that point,these included folks like Fazrul Rehman and Imran Khan as well. He presented the entire situation to all the party leaders present at this meeting and the situation was quiet complicated.Pakistan had to give one base to the United States so that they could move in to Afghanistan. Naturally as a sovereign nation we were hesitant but India was ready to give "ALL" its bases to the United States! Do you know that if we did not give one of our bases,how badly it would have affected all of us Pakistanis. India and the United States would have come through Pakistan to go inside Afghanistan,there would have been violence,bloodshed,war and absolute chaos within the country.Pervez Musharraf protected us from a major disaster that would have changed the entire course of history within our nation if decisions were taken differently.He presented this situation to the different party leaders and I remember clearly Imran Kahn and Farzul Rehman telling Pervez Musharraf to do what he thinks is best. The situation was very complicated and Pervez Musharraf had said that he called this meeting so that everyone can figure out a way to handle the situation,so that there are no differences in opinion and everyone is on the same page. They all said "Do as you please.",what happened after that! Once the base was given and the action was taken by Pervez Musharraf,all these leaders that were invited to the meeting started saying,"Oh look what Musharraf did.he sold off our bases to the United States".Look at these opposition leaders,that claim to be the well wishers of Pakistan.They back stabbed Pervez Musharraf and only said those things to make themselves look righteous.A true and honest leader does not lie and present the situation in a wrong manner for their own personal gain.Let's come to the drone attacks.9 to 10 drone attacks took place during Pervez Musharraf's time and that too because Pervez Musharraf opposed such acts and placed a lot of pressure on the United States.Now there are certain things that a lot of us are forgetting.The deal between Pakistan and the United States was that there would be 9 to 10 drones in Pakistan and they would be used for surveillance "ONLY". They would be there to detect any terrorist movement and once it was located,then "OUR" army and "OUR" ISI would take action against them.The United States broke the original deal and used those drones for attacks.After this took place Pervez Musharraf personally went to the United States and condemned the acts which weren't part of the deal.After such a deal breaker we had even refused to let the drones come inside our country.We told the United States that if any terrorist activity is found,it would be reported by our intelligence and our forces.Basically Pervez Musharraf at that point had told them that there will be no more outside interference what so ever.Now Pervez Musharraf has been out of governance for 5 years,why have drone strikes increased in numbers during the democratically elected PPP? and why didn't this so called "DEMOCRATIC"government stop such acts.

4.The opposition claims that Afia Siddiqui was given 

to the United States by 

Pervez  Musharraf:

In the words of Pervez Musharraf himself,"Whoever gave 

Afia to the United States is a 

traitor,if she was caught in Pakistan.Now Pervez Musharraf is 

the president of Pakistan,he 

handled many situations within Pakistan but there were 

people under him who were 

working in different areas. The president does not always 

know what is going on,an 

investigation was taken place for Afia Siddiqui during 

Musharraf's time. Pervez Musharraf 

did not even know who she was until he read this matter in 

the news papers and saw it on 

the Television Channels.Our people have a habit of blaming 

everything on the 

president,one forgets that there are others that work in the 

governance as well and if you 

need to question anyone its not the president but the Prime 

Minister and other 

government officials.

One thing that one must think about is why was she in the 

situation that she was in?Why 

do people start playing the blame game without knowing the 

true facts or realities of the 

matter.What caused Afia Siddiqui to be in the situation that 

she was forced in to.What was 

her role and why was she so important to the United States?

These are questions that no one thinks about and at times the 

entire situation sounds 

fabricated.Now why do I mention that,in an interview with 

Hamid Mir Afia Siddiqui's sister 

admits that Afia was caught inside Afghanistan in a place 

called Ghazni.The claims were 

that the FBI took her away in Karachi,so wait minute there is 

something absolutely wrong 

with this entire picture isn't it?... Think carefully folks and try 

to be as rational as possible 

in every situation that is presented to you.Why didn't the 

democratically elected 

government do something about this matter,instead they 

kept politicising this matter 

against Pervez Musharraf without any concrete evidence.The 

entire matter looses its 

credibility because now her sister admits where she was 

caught.To conclude this matter,the 

whole situation looses a lot of its credibility for investigation 

and this matter quiet 

possible may have been presented in the same light as the 

entire Lal Masjid situation,when 

there is clear footage of their tyranny.Pervez Musharraf gave 

a very clear answer on this 

entire situation in his press conference yesterday. 

So now I would like for all of those people who speak against 

Pervez Musharraf to think 

deeply. How would you have handled the situation. You 

should be thankful to Pervez 

Musharraf,he saved your lives and the situation was 

extremely complicated.These are four 

main points the opposing parties always raise,if they were 

truly sincere to Pakistan they 

wouldn't be blaming Pervez Musharraf.It is quiet clear that 

they are power hungry because 

they know the ground realities,yet they deny them to gain the 

popular vote. 

Vote for the true leader who has always presented facts 


Long live Pervez Musharraf.

Pakistan First!


  1. General pervez musharraf zindabad

  2. Salute to you Sir. You have exposed the fake judiciary, you have exposed the fake media and have exposed the opportunist. Within 72 hours by staying quite u have shaken everyone across the world. You stood by your word - you showed them what courage is. We all are with you and will stay beside :)

    1. Thank you Shariqa.
      We appreciate the support,we are all with Pervez Musharraf because he puts Pakistan first.

  3. Inshallah Jeet haq ki hogi.....

    Main Pervez Musharraf ko isliya support karta hon k ya jhoot nahi bolta... jo kuch wo khetay thay wo ajj bhi us per qaem hain....

    He is not a politician ... he is an honest person..

    main jab bhi Pakistan aon ga main APML join karlon ga ...

    N i will stand against yazidiat wid my leader ...

    Allah Pervez Musharraf or in kay tamam chanay walon ko salamat rakhay... Elahi Ameen

  4. مشرف پاکستان کا شیر ہے اور شیر کبھی ڈرتا نہیں ہے سر مشرف میں ضلع لودھران سے ہوں اورجہاں تک ہوتا ہے میں اپنے طریقے سے اپنا احتجاج آپ کے حق میں ریکارڈ کرواتا رہتا ہوں میں ہمیشہ آپ کے ساتھ ہوں اور ہر قیمت پر آپ کے ساتھ ہوں
