Tuesday 23 April 2013


I am not against Zaid Hamid and I respect him but I must say I don't agree with everything that he says. He has given some points against Musharraf that I had posted about on his status and for the record my messages were deleted. 

I will pass my comments in order like he did,which were against Musharraf. 

1."NRO, which imposed upon us this filthy government and democracy with these politicians which are all corrupt and traitors. The same NRO is haunting him now as he sits alone in a Police rest house in Islamabad." 

Ok Musharraf imposed the NRO but why does sir Zaid Hamid forget that the people wanted all the corrupt politicians back in power,why is he forgetting that all the political leaders at that time within the country were called in for a meeting and were asked about what should be done. They all suggested that the NRO should be signed,why doesn't he also mention the fact that even though the NRO was signed the democratic elections took place and PPP had won the elections democratically.So whether the NRO was signed or not the people showed whom they support.Why doesn't he mention the fact that there is still an immense support for Nawaz Sharif and his party,why doesn't he blame the people of Pakistan for supporting such people. Why doesn't he mention the fact that Pervez Musharraf made this move due to the suggestion of other political leaders,who belonged to different parties and had suggested the NRO and the fact that since the people support The Sharif brothers so much,it is a fact that a lot of the people within Pakistan supported the NRO itself. Once the NRO was signed all the political leaders and the corrupt judiciary,who in 2007 allowed the NRO called it unconstitutional in 2009. You should have mentioned that as well,all the political parties were for the NRO.So why is he being blamed for it solely? Why doesn't Mr.Zaid Hamid also mention the fact that the NRO was actually for Benazir Bhutto because this time she was coming out with a clean heart and mind for Pakistan. But when it was signed the Sharif brothers took advantage of it. So why is he blaming Musharraf for that,blame all those people within the nation that still support the PPP and the PML(N) party,why Musharraf only! 

2."He allowed this media without any controls. This totally anarchic media which are by foreign funded NGOs working on hostile agenda to destabilize Pakistan. Now the same media is skinning him alive. His own doing again."

A free media is every prospering country's dream and Pervez Musharraf delivered that. Is it his fault that a lot of the people involved in the media are corrupt?If you start a company and your workers are doing some illegal things,are you at fault?!Absolutely not! What will you do?You will take action against them,GEO had an anti-Pakistan agenda and Pervez Musharraf did take action against them but then he was criticised for that action by the people of Pakistan,why don't you mention that sir Zaid Hamid. Why have we forgotten all these thing.The media should be free but it is the media's responsibility to give the news in a fair manner,thanks to Pervez Musharraf even you have a platform to speak and give your analysis on political matters. 

3."Giving strength to MQM, which had almost died in 90s. Now they are a huge monster which is haunting Pakistan today."

Mr.Zaid Hamid sir,once again you are forgetting many things. No matter what you have said,the fact is that during the Musharraf era MQM did a lot of great work and projects for Karachi. Honest people like Mustafa Kamal were brought up to give their excellent services to the city of Karachi. I am NOT and I repeat I am NOT an MQM supporter nor a member,I am giving you the facts only. 

4."Allowing CIA to create TTP, offering Pakistan land to NATO unconditionally, allowing the CIA to use the route for weapons for terrorists and separatist groups like TTP, BLA and MQM. Thousands of “Ramond Davis” were allowed into Pakistan to wreck havoc with Pakistan’s security."

This is the biggest misconception sir. You are saying that Pervez Musharraf basically created a terrorist organisation that is after his own head today? You are basically claiming that the man who fought against terrorism on the forefront, whom "YOU" "YOURSELF" call a true patriot would allow the creation of TTP and would allow the CIA on our land?!That goes against being a patriot and makes your statement extremely weak. Pervez Musharraf has always stood against injustice and this comment absolutely does not make sense. You also say that folks like Ramond Davis were allowed by Pervez Musharraf,so then why is it that such people started coming in during the time when the democratically elected PPP came in to power and Hussain Haqqani had aided folks like Ramond Davis to come inside the soil of Pakistan. Again sir,you are saying a Muslim should speak the truth so I am speaking the truth. 

5. Destroying Pakistan’s ideology, Islamic values and moderation and bringing in highest western liberal secularism in the name of Enlightened Moderation. This is one of the greatest damage done. Our values and faith has taken a serious hit in this period.

"Islam is within a person it talks about moderation. How did Pervez Musharraf bring in the western secular ideology. Ideologies are made by the people of the country,some people are extremist,some are truly religious and moderate and some are secularists. So again question your people as to why they chose secularism over religion,faith and moderation. These things are from person to person,I remember Muhammad Ali Jinnah saying this "You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the State.” Again sir have you forgotten what Muhammad Ali Jinnah had said,you are blaming Pervez Musharraf for following that same ideology?I think you should have a more fair perspective. 

6.You also claim that Pervez Musharraf is weak in his deen,who are you to judge him.I know you have good knowledge about your deen,then how did you forget such an important thing,that one should not judge. It has been clearly said in our religion that Allah judges the people,no person is allowed to judge anyone. On top of that if he was weak in his deen then why did he do Umrah several times before coming to Pakistan? It is clear he had the faith in his Allah and I also sent you a video about what the great Nazim Kibrisi had said about Pervez Musharraf.But you did not take that in to consideration. For the record Nazim Kibrisi is one of the greatest scholars and saints of all time,he comes from the same lineage as Maulana Rumi.In fact you sir Zaid Hamid even know who Nazim Kibrisi is.Here is what Nazim Kibrisi says about Pervez Musharraf,hear it very carefully and this scholar is no ordinary scholar https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=366327123454394 

My sincere advice to you sir Zaid Hamid is that,don't let emotions take over critical thinking. 

Pakistan First!